quite is disjunct view, but the fair is a crazy place that tends to induce sensory overload. we ran a number of stories on different aspects of the fair (see summaries below), which gave me the opportunity to try and see the scene a bit differently each time. i wish i would have stuck with at least the same stylistic approach, and maybe walked away with something more cohesive...oh well. one note: heading to a state fair to cover the
animal scene when it is hot as hell, loud, and way too smelly is NOT recommended when you are extremely hung over...good to keep in mind for next time...

a look at the people who run the fair, and make all our conscession dreams come true!

a tribute to the parents that tirelessly bring their messy, usually loud, albeit adorable, kids to the fair year after year...

pigs running an obstacle course is a pretty hilarious sight
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